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New information regarding Diablo 4 is likely months away

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Speculation is Diablo IV Gold running rampant across the community as to what these might be, and practically every former class in the series (as well as a few new ones) has been theorized about so far. It's nice the wisest move to put all the eggs in one basket yet, but for those wanting a stylish spellcaster, Sorceress is a good bet.

New information regarding Diablo 4 is likely months away, with the next obvious time for it being BlizzConline in 2021. That hasn't stopped fans from debating and speculating, though. A recent aggregate poll tallied a bunch of votes from the community, particularly on classes that fans wanted.

On it were some obvious points, like how Necromancer is the most demanded Diablo 4 class alongside the Amazon, but there were often odd requests: classes that didn't exists, races that didn't make sense, and quite often, a dedicated Healer class request.

Now, that may be an odd request to some. It doesn't really fit the playstyle of any of the Diablo games, but those who want it make a few compelling points. With that in mind, here's just a few arguments for and against Diablo 4 having a dedicated healing class.

First and foremost, it would add a new layer of gameplay to Diablo. Many classes have had ways to Diablo 4 Gold for sale heal themselves and there's always potions, but this would mean that healing abilities among any classes could be replaced with something else.



haoxiuyun wrote:

Diablo IV Gold

Good luck with the sells of Diablo IV in-game currency.

Last edited by datagroove (2023-06-27 23:02:22)


You are here » Hacxx » Combos » New information regarding Diablo 4 is likely months away